Migration from v1.0.0 to v1.1.0

Old project: QmXCr6uZFdY1YcGTa4u6ZieQPXK4VHE1Pjy7CBr7ubFwKR
New project: QmWhwLQA4P6iZv6bmQxUqG5zumNK8KDBwcq8wxN4G213dq

Upgrade instructions

  1. Stop old project from coordinator (QmXCr6uZFdY1YcGTa4u6ZieQPXK4VHE1Pjy7CBr7ubFwKR)

docker container rm -f query_qmxcr6uzfdy1ycg && docker container rm -f node_qmxcr6uzfdy1ycg
  1. Execute query.

docker exec indexer_db psql -U postgres -c "ALTER SCHEMA schema_qmxcr6uzfdy1ycg RENAME TO schema_qmwhwlqa4p6izv6;"
  1. Run new project from coordinator (QmWhwLQA4P6iZv6bmQxUqG5zumNK8KDBwcq8wxN4G213dq)

RAW Upgrade command. For Native requests.

ALTER SCHEMA schema_qmxcr6uzfdy1ycg RENAME TO schema_qmwhwlqa4p6izv6;

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