Subquery project Nova Wallet - Aleph Zero
Nova SubQuery project is indexing the blockchain and provides a convenient API for fetching operation history & analytics data. It is used by the Nova Wallet Feel free to use this API for your app! 💖
Make sure that you add filters and sorting rules to your queries!
Following API & datasource is supported: 📚 Transfers and extrinsics (transactions). Both or either can be fetched, for example: query {historyElements{nodes{transfer extrinsic}}}
✨ Transfer history for additional assets in the network (based on "assets"/"ORML" Substrate pallet): query {historyElements{nodes{assetTransfer}}}
Estimated Size
10 GB at Nov 2023
Deployed At: 2024-07-09T02:57:39
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Indexer Project
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